We're a small veteran woman-owned cloud engineering company with a focus on people:
our employees and our customers. Simply put, we care about YOU...your well-being, your goals, your mission. If it matters to you, it matters to us.

our story
LORO Corporation is a nod to the Leadership Team's late friend and mentor, Len Moodispaw. Those who knew Len likely remember him for his entrepreneurial spirit (founding and leading several companies in his lifetime), his compassion and dedication to the community around him, and his Parrotheaded affinity for all things Jimmy Buffet and Key West.
LORO, the Spanish word for parrot, is our way of carrying on Len's legacy.
our mantra
LORO's people-first, employee-centric culture is founded on the guidance and impact of Len's leadership. Always a man of the people and a man of his word, Len was determined to better the lives of those around him.
In true image of this lifestyle, we too believe in being better. everyday. "Everyday" in the sense that our desire to be better people, team members, and a company as a whole cannot be defined by a timeframe, nor measured by just one day's goals. Rather, we embody an everyday motivation and willingness to design, build, and implement the most exceptional solutions for our customers, while understanding the "why" throughout every step of the process.
our approach
We are committed to cultivating trusted, long-term partnerships with the people who work with us and the people we work to support. Some companies set out to provide the best product to solve a problem. We set out to provide the best people.
Having a qualified and resourceful team with the right outlook is the foundation of any successful solution. At LORO, we value all aspects of the solution development life cycle and, therefore, have built a team of uniquely trained people with a variety of skills, from architects & engineers to developers & communicators. We take time to understand the challenge at hand; listening first and responding second. We're flexible, adaptable, and willing to provide the time and attention required to dream-up, develop, and deliver a quality solution that addresses your needs.
Founded in July 2013 and building on the twenty-year reputation of our wholly-owned subsidiary, GENCO Engineering Services, Inc., we have experience & expertise not found anywhere else in the Intelligence Community, and possess a unique customer intuition.